SONG is a regional Queer Liberation organization made up of Black people, people of color, immigrants, working class and rural and small town LGBTQ people. We are a membership-based organization. SONG’s members are made up of people committed to building freedom movements rooted in southern traditions like non-violent social justice activism, storytelling, music, breaking bread, resistance, humor, performance, critical thinking, and celebration.
All SONG members are asked to contribute to the life of the organization on an annual basis – either through membership dues ($20/year) or through in-kind donations. We also look to our members for more than money. We need folks to actively participate in stopping cycles of violence, oppression, deceit, and isolation. We look to our members to commit to the life-long process of being anti-racist, gender liberationists, truth-tellers and healers.
SONG believes that social movements are one of our main hopes for liberation. Organizations are one of the key building blocks of social movements. Organizations are made up of people—leaders. We build membership (or our base) as a way to build the skills, connection and leadership of thousands of Southern rural LGBTQ people of color, immigrant people and working class people – united together in the struggle for dignity and justice for all people. In order to transform the South we must build our collective power, our people power, which comes from thousands and thousands of us uniting to make the South the home our communities need it to be.
SONG’s membership is a structure for the interchange of ideas, shared commitment to social and economic justice, and support between the staff and board of SONG and those who support LGBTQ liberation in the South. This interchange takes place through:
- personal and group communications
- leadership development and political education
- strategic partnerships
- contribution of resources
- member meetings + gatherings
- collective action, campaign organizing and short term projects
All SONG members are asked to contribute to the life of the organization on an annual basis – either through membership dues ($20/year) or through in-kind donations. We also look to our members for more than money. We need folks to actively participate in stopping cycles of violence, oppression, deceit, and isolation. We look to our members to commit to the life-long process of being anti-racist, gender liberationists, truth-tellers and healers.