Durham SONG Chapter Mtg Tonight!

 Registration is closed for this event
This is the second Chapter meeting of the month. Our meeting schedule typically does not change. We usually meet every second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM, with some variation due to holidaze, personal matters, or other meetings/workshops! Please take a moment to register for tonight's meeting!

Hey y'all ! I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to invite you to join the Durham SONG Chapter call tonight! @  6:30pm. Come one, come all.  I think of this meeting as an opportunity to plan and vision for our future as we begin a new year. We can dream and scheme about the abolishing prisons and systems that keep our people in cages. We should also honor and uplift Brittany Kittrel.  On Tuesday, January nineteenth, Brittany Kittrell died just four days after being arrested and held in Durham County Jail on a $5000 bond. The death of another Black woman is at the hands of Durham County jail, and the predatory cash bail system has been a death sentence for another one of our people.


We need to make space to plan, and build in coalition with BYP100/DBP other folks doing this work. Eventually, we can also look at our different working groups and determine how we can prioritize our work within the jails and truly determining our focus at this time. Other working groups include: (Care bears making a comeback) Free The FOLK! General updates and ways to get plugged into the work! We hope to see you there! Missing alot of our regular comrades, and newbies are always welcome to join as well. We come with understanding and as much empathy and compassion that we can hold that this is a range and challenging time for us all. 

we are each other’s


we are each other’s


we are each other’s

magnitude and bond.


Be well comrades,

If you need any thing or know of any insights that might be useful to the Durham SONG chapter, please reach out.

In community,

Debbie The Artist
Durham Chapter Fellow 

January 26, 2021 from  6:30 PM to  9:30 PM